Monday, April 12, 2010

The Ass-Biting Passed

A few weeks ago I made a new friend at school. I helped her with some art stuff in the computer lab. She is really nice and laughs a lot. I work a lot in the lab quite a bit and run into her often, now. I answer a lot questions about computer stuff she doesn't understand.  Tonight, I helped find pictures of doors and buses. Later, we stood outside the school not knowing what to do. She needed to eat and wanted it to be cheap. Her cheap though, was too cheap for me, apparently. We rode the train two stops to where I get on the bus. Once we got out of the subway and once again stood there, she hinted to me to come in and eat with her....But it was McDonalds.
"I am not going in that place with you," I said, pointing. Maybe I was a bit too forward, but she just did not know how much of a passed I have with this establishment.
"I don't feel comfortable. Too many people..." I think I went on about something, but its not entirely clear to me at this time. I was nervous.
"Maybe in another six months. I have a hard time breathing in there."
I saw my bus pulling up, so we said our good-byes. She wished me good luck on my journey.
...It wasn't until I got home and made a sandwich, that I realized I gave up the possibility at a nice evening, with a nice new friend, in a big city, where its hard for a guy like me to find a nice friend, all because I refused to step into a McDonalds for a cheap meal.

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