Tuesday, January 18, 2011

my busy life

On Saturday morning, I decided to go downtown with Brigid and see Paul's art in a show. Brigid got ready a little bit before me, as I was still busy surfing the internet. I was grabbing my bag and stuffing any activity books I could think of that I might want to work on while I'm out. I had my jacket on was just about ready, when Brigid, standing in the doorway, says," There is a bus in two minutes."
I stopped what I what doing.
And although I could have quickly stood up and joined her, apparently I cannot be rushed into getting ready. 
All my will to get out of the house went through the front door with brigid before I could.
"You go ahead. If I don't make the bus, I'll meet you downtown."
I didn't want to stand up right after saying that and go out to wait for the bus, like I could have. There had to be some buffer room between her leaving and me. So, the next bus would be a fine one to catch. I went back to internet surfing for just a few minutes and also turned on the TV to have in the background. I like the noise.   
Six hours and a movie and-a-half later,  I still had my coat on, ready to go.  Brigid came home and there I was, still ready to go, as if time stood still at home during the time she was gone.  And, in reality, it kinda of had because I had not changed at all...  Well, maybe the Doritos bag was a bit on a lighter side, but thats it! ...That and one sandwich worth of sandwich stuff, but thats it!  Brigid just smiled at me and I think I died just a little inside because of the power of American Classic Television, like Divorce Court.

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